The Easy way to Buy and Sell Domain Names specialises in select premium domain names providing a fair and transparent domain name marketplace.
Buyers pay NO Fees*, Sellers LIST FOR FREE and pay one of the LOWEST Commission Rates available on sales.
We are ALL about Domain names and with us you can buy or sell your domain name in 3-Easy-Steps!
A Good website Domain Name is essential for success in today's online world.
A Good name provides an online business or project with a firm foundation and website home address on which to build. It demonstrate to visitors (and the world) that you are there to help make it as smooth as possible to deal with you.
A Bad domain name will likely be a permanent 'ball and chain' around any web project.
A Good domain name is the first signal to your online audience that you have complete confidence in what you provide.
Every Good idea deserves a Good Home
Easy for
- 3
Make an offer to buy your chosen domain name.
We will then be in touch after putting your offer to the owner listing the domain, or respond even quicker if the domain name is already owned by us. Unlike with some services, there is no charge for putting offers to sellers.
Note: The price you offer as buyer includes transfer of the domain to your chosen registrar and there is no additional commission or fee* paid to us by you.
* Your chosen payment method may incur independent payment or bank charges. Only the seller pays a fair commission to us subtracted from the proceeds of your offer if the sale is agreed by both the seller and you (as buyer).
Easy for
- 3
Add the verification code generated for each domain for sale to your domain's DNS as a TXT record
The listing will go live after we verify the domain is yours via DNS and/or other methods. We will communicate offers to you as they are received so you can accept, decline or counter offers to buy your domain. Sellers can edit or remove their listed domains at any time.
Note: You can only list for sale, domain names that you own, have registered with a registrar and for which you currently control the DNS record.
New listing accounts can only submit a single domain name to list for sale until they have at least one domain name verified by us via DNS.
Some Home Truths
and Misconceptions
Yes, it certainly is!
And a good domain name can be the most effective way to help signpost your website.
However, you might be forgiven for thinking from the many prominent adverts on the internet (sometimes involving 'supermodels' or celebrity) that it was the hosting service, your web designer, or the company that offers all three (with the 'unimportant' domain name almost 'thrown in' from 99p, for your benefit?)
These items are commonly offered just at the time you will likely be selecting the important domain name component first. (Or maybe all three components close together) is not a domain registrar and have no interest in selling you on any web template service (or 'capturing' you or 'tying you in' in any way). Or in escalating your annual renewal costs thereafter in order to pay for bloated marketing campaigns, with some corporates also charging you handsomely for even putting an offer to the seller to buy a domain, whatever the outcome.
Your quality home domain name should for good reason be an important, separate entity that you control at all times, whichever web host, designer or registrar you choose.
We want you to be able to make the right choice when you select your 'domain name home' without getting distracted by other items that should be completely separate choices.
Yes that is definitely our view. To use a bad domain name could be like physically running a race when 'super fat', smoking and eating junk food. That really wouldn't be 'the way to go', would it?
With a bad Domain Name your web project would be handicapped right from the start. It is like a 'bricks and mortar' shop with a long name that nobody can remember or spell, in a bad location. But when customers need to recall and spell your name every time they want to come in to see you.
It would be a 'clear' and constant sign that you did not even get the first important step right in that important relationship.
SelectDomain (as the name indicates!) is clearly about being able to easily select from the 'more-select' domain names for your web project. These are commonly pre-registered domain names. Or to describe it another way: Most combinations of letters and words are not useful as a domain name and all the best names have already been recognised, registered and owned by some individual or organisation over time.
Although It is a fact that the better, more useful, shorter domain names have commonly been pre-registered and are owned by someone, either for a project or investment, circumstances do change. And projects get updated or abandoned. Therefore there are many good domain names available at a price.
Good Domain names do cost much more than 99p, shorter .dot coms are best, and a bad domain name will likely be a permanent 'ball and chain' around any web activity.
Most people would not buy a car, its insurance and garage all from the same place if any one of them were 99p? Some people refer to this way of marketing as 'Sucker-bait" or as using a "Loss-leader". But it is no laughing matter if your important domain name decision gets compromised by offerings that should be completely separate considerations. Anyone who tells you otherwise does not have your best interests at heart.
A Good memorable domain name will provide you with a good foundation on which to build and advance your web project.
The .COM domain extension is the original and most respected extension. On average it ranks higher in search engine results. But there are many sellers of these names that do for that reason hold on to the domains and maybe ask inflated prices. Just look on e-Bay and see how many names there are quite flawed (hyphens, numbers etc) and are not particularly short, but with very high asking prices.
You might think that because there are a limited number of useful shorter domain names which are useful, 'catchy' or 'mean something', and when most of the better ones have already been registered, that it is going to be extremely hard to obtain a useful .com or other quality pre-registered name.
However, that is not really true. Used and unused names are constantly rotating back on to the market. Yes the more select names are most valued and expensive, but a one, two or three word .com (or other top level domain name) can be a very good investment for any web project. It can increase your project's profile and visitor numbers from day one. The better names are also commonly very sellable.
Do be careful when you receive emails concerning registration renewals for your domain name(s). Always check the emails are from your current domain name registrar and the renewal is actually for the annual charge for registration of the domain name. And not for registration for your domain name to be registered with search engines! If you make that mistake, you will not be the first to have been targeted in such a way. We get these emails regularly and they can often seem quite intimidating. Just ignore them 🙂
Get the right domain name which is right for you and your audience, and then harness it's power and consistency to deliver for both.
Benefits include
It is very easy to search for domain names on our website. And then to drill down further to find what you are looking for.
It is just as straightforward to list domains for sale and control the listings within your free account. (E.g. change the price and the types of offer invited, or to add or remove an existing domain name listing)
Our fair terms are easy to understand. Sellers can simultaneously list domains elsewhere and do not need to have domains listed for sale with us registered at any particular registrar. It's a 'win/win' that increases the likelihood of you selling your domain name.
Buyers too can make a direct offer to the seller without the 'run around' of being charged just to make an offer, and loosing that 'agent fee' whether the offer is accepted or not.
Buyers pay no commission or fees* to us and sellers enjoy one of the lowest domain name sales commission rates available anywhere. (flat 9%)
(* Normal transaction charges outside our control will apply depending on method of payment. e.g. bank transfer)
This site only facilitates the sale and purchase of Domain names. With, you can concentrate properly on the Domain name, with no related distractions or upsells. You can register your domain wherever you wish and separate it from your web hosting. The name is not in any way shackled to other important web services that govern the success of your website.
Domain names listed on our site are verified for ownership using numerous methods, including DNS authentication using a unique key provided to sellers for each domain. We do not list all domain name extensions, one reason being that many domain name extensions are notorious for involvement with spam and other abuse. We would make increased income by offering such domains, but at the expense of the quality we offer to our customers.
The seller receives no money from the sale of a domain name until we confirm successful transfer of the domain name to you. If for any reason you do not receive the domain name, you have no risk of loosing any funds.
QUALITY NAMES concentrate on higher quality domain names. These are commonly the pre-registered, more select domain names which are much more likely to perform best for your web project or business website.
As well as inviting you to list your domains for sale, we own a stock collection of quality domain names acquired over time. also work with carefully chosen, trusted partners to expand the choice of names offered to customers, but never at the expense of quantity over quality.
* * * The Fair and Transparent Domain Name Marketplace * * * FOR BUYERS & SELLERS
Much information about domain names on the web is confusing, inaccurate or contradictory. There is also the problem of 'vested interests'. Here we try to 'cut through' all of that and respond in 'Plain English' with what you need to know:
After you have purchased a domain name, you can commonly use it for as long as you like, as long as you pay the annual nominal registration fee to your current registrar.
You loose control of a domain name when you decide not to pay the annual registration fee, or if you sell the domain name to an interested party (whichever is sooner).
In general, the shorter easier-to-type, more memorable names are better. The best domains tend to be dot coms or have other Top Level Domain name extensions. Less syllables within a name are preferable and you should try to avoid textual or numeral numbers and hyphens within your chosen domain name.
But just because a domain name has few letters does not mean it is good. It could then be yet another completely unmemorable and meaningless domain name.
We doubt you could have avoided slogans like:
'get a domain name from 99p' and . . 'have a website with us, domain name and hosting', 'easy, set it up quickly with us' . . . etc.
Domain names need to be carefully chosen and in our view should not be any kind of 'impulse' or '2 for 1' buy.
Cheaper domain names tend to be much less useful and so are less sought after for serious web projects. Cheap initial offers can then escalate in cost as well as suffering in performance.
We would avoid hyphenated names, and avoid names containing numbers because although people might remember the name as it sounds, when it comes to typing it, there could be much confusion resulting in lost visits to your site. There could also be the problem of 'closely sounding impersonators' who register a name very similar to yours, but without the hyphen(s) or with the number expressed as text rather than as numerals or visa versa.
Long names, and names that clash with an existing business brand, trademark or service should also be avoided.
Registering your domain name with the same supplier that hosts your website is a very bad idea in our opinion. If it is the right name, It does not matter particularly where you buy it from, but it does matter where you register the name and that you are the registered owner.
Disputes do happen in life and not every supplier (however large) provides a service which does not have many unhappy customers. There is nothing worse than having an ongoing dispute about website hosting, emails, or web design issues, and then finding it hard to go elsewhere.
If 'your' domain name is not registered in your name (maybe in your web developer's name) you can also leave yourself open to uneccessary problems.
All these problems are completely preventable by keeping things separate i.e. by simply keeping your domain name registered in your own name and with a registrar separate from your website hosting and development.
This approach also better protects you against escalations in charges.
We have already indicated that a Domain Name is the real stable home for a website business/project.
But what actually is a Domain name?
It is the main signpost or textual label for all your web activities including your website and email. A Domain name is basically a text representation of a computer IP address. Text names are used because they mean something to people and so the domain name is how customers and visitors will relate to you.
Imagine that all geographical places had different numbers associated with them. People think in words because that is more meaningful to them. So if London was 'place number 102', it would be easier for people always to refer to the word 'London' and then for 'some automatic translation table' to translate that name to '102' for computer communication use. Yes, it's an oversimplification but conveys what Domain names do and why they are so important.
In fact, Domain names are even more powerful than in the example: Once you own 'the place name, London', you can then manage the record of that name, wherever you want, and wherever you might want to store (/host) your website files. i.e. The domain name is actually the only fixed, enduring part of your whole web project over time, and in the example you could move London to Glasgow's location and still have it known as London! . . . There's a thought 🙂
So a domain name is genuinely the important home of your website. (i.e. 'the thingy' some want to sell you from 99p while saying 'go with them!'
This could be why companies who sell a basket of web services, including a web domain name (or sub-domain) may want to target or have more control of that element? Yes, selling a domain name 'for or from 99p' on its own isn't going to make them a huge amount of money. But more seriously, a 99p domain name is very unlikely to do you any favours. It might however get you using their various other services for a period of time.
We do not sell or help sell domain names for anything like 99p do not sell you any hosting, registrar services, website design, or email services. You are not tied to us in any way, and we suggest you do not get tied to any service which you consider may want to 'tie you in' or confuse (or merge) one type of service offering with another.
There are commonly two separate charges for a quality domain name: The initial charge to buy the right to use the name, and then an ongoing annual small registration fee. Some suppliers 'muddy the waters' by selling lower quality domain names for lower prices than the annual 'renewal' charge.
The annual charge to renew registration should normally vary from $3 to $15 per year depending on the domain extension and registrar. However here again, some companies have very low introductory offers that then quickly escalate much higher in following years. i.e. after they have attracted you in with that initial 'low-ball'.
The cost of buying a quality/premium domain name strongly depends on the name, the demand and supply for that type of name and what the seller will accept for the domain. These so-called 'premium' domains are domain names that have already been pre-registered by an owner. These are the select domain names we recommend since they are invariably shorter, have fewer syllables, are more memorable and easier to brand.
Good names can go from a few hundred pounds to many thousands depending on the name. Automated Domain value, web-estimating tools in our view are not particularly helpful since an owner 'has to' be prepared to sell.
But to give you some idea: is valued by some valuation tools as being worth more than $20,000 (But we doubt you would be able to purchase it for that figure.) Our domain name alone ( may be valued at about $3000 (however we would not sell it for anything like that since it has an established, productive website attached). sold for more than $10 million. You can also look through the select domains listed on our site to get a good idea of the prices being asked for various quality domain names. Factors such as a plural 's' can make a huge difference to the value of a domain and in general, simpler is better.
Whichever domain you choose, we do suggest you buy a quality premium domain and have it registered at a registrar you are happy with, with no 'escalation costs' and complete clarity as to that you own the name. If then you were unhappy with the registration fees or service at some time in the future, you could easily transfer the name to any other registrar.
After you have outlaid for the initial purchase of your domain name, the ongoing cost to annually re-register the domain name should then be relatively small.
It may be of the order of £15 per year for a dot com, or sometimes less for other domain name extensions.
And remember, if you ever come to the stage where the domain name is no longer required, as a pre-registered domain, you can sell it on the open market if it is still registered to you. You may even sell your domain name using 🙂
Absolutely NOT.
But we do suggest you keep it registered completely separate from your website hosting and development.
As well as not keeping all your 'main eggs' together in the same 'basket', we also suggest you choose a quality, more select domain name that your customers will better relate to.
When you buy through us, there are 'no strings' attached and the name is your chosen domain name for however long you wish to pay the small nominal annual renewal fee to your chosen registrar.
You can locate your domain wherever you wish to register it, from where the registration record you control can easily reference any website hosting space you choose over time.
To list on our site is completely FREE. It's easy to list and increases your chances of selling your domain name. Then If you sell through us, the commission rate is lower than with most other sites.
Have more questions? Then get in touch